Professional Bio

Marjorie Caico-Long received her Masters of Art in Psychology from the Seattle School of Theology and Psychology in Seattle WA. She is a Licensed Professional Psychotherapist in the state of Alabama. She holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Relational Psychodynamic Psychotherapy through the Contemporary Psychodynamic Institute in Seattle, WA. She is currently studying ancient archetypes under Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés Reyes, Jungian psychologist and author of the book Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype. She is a graduate of the Wild Woman Project’s Circle Leader Training and facilitates monthly community women’s circles. She is the owner and founder of Encounter Therapy LLC, her private practice where she sees clients for relational psychotherapy. She most recently founded, Encounter Your Wild LLC, where she tends to woman on their evolutionary journeys to becoming through one-on-one offerings, workshops, sacred circles, and retreats. Her work is guided by the Wild Woman Archetype and she is currently being guided by Vanya Leilani, PhD in Archetypal and Jungian studies from Pacifica University as well as all the Wild Women she sits with and tends to.

About Me

I am a healer, a holder of sacred space, a circle leader, a soul tender, and a maker of rituals.

I am a multi-racial woman on an evolutionary journey to show up in the world as I desire to be rather than much of who I was molded, conditioned, and taught to be. There are many ways we are molded, taught, threatened, instructed, conditioned, forced, patterned, and prepared into being that do not actually align with who we desire to be or who we are at our core. Can you relate? There are many reasons we end up living incongruently with who we are: caretaking (or lack thereof), cultures, religions, attachment styles, abuse, neglect, and so many more. If you are reading this, you, like I, may be pondering what is no longer serving you in your life? My journey to becoming began many years ago (over 25 years ago) as I begged God  to release me from the grip of addiction. I did break free from the frying pan of addiction, but that path led me into the deeper fire of other abusive, controlling, power-over systems that would further cover up, tamp down, and try to silence my true wild self. These systems conditioned me into yet another version of myself who thought she would become acceptable and "good." This is where the unrelenting striving to be good enough for others and God began. I was striving to get it right, striving to be seen as good, striving to be right, striving to be obedient, and striving to arrive at a state where I could finally rest and just be. Rest did not come because in these high-control systems and relationships, there is always another level to attain to.

This part of my journey was radically interrupted through a series of relational events that caused me to reevaluate what was serving me and what was no longer serving me. These events led me to question the very foundation of what I had worked so hard to achieve as well as the container I found myself in. I began a deep dive to finding my “own” mind and voice in this world. It led me to what you previously read in my professional bio, but it led me to so much more than academic accomplishments; it has led me to the truth that I do not have to know the answers. Just writing that and saying it out loud still brings my soul much liberation because I continue to learn that 'arrival' is a fantasy, I will always be evolving into who I desire to be in this world, and I was never meant to do that alone…..We all need guides and I have been on a journey with guides for over 15 years. I continue to step away from the obedient life as I become more of my “nature-al” self. I am one who has grown and will keep growing out of containers, religions, systems, cultures, careers, and relationships that do not serve me and are too small for my wild self.

I am a woman who has stepped into my personal sovereignty and taken the reigns of my own life in imagining and dreaming up ways to sit, lay, grow, speak, sing, dance, work, and guide other women into true encounters with their wild selves that lead them to becoming who they desire to be. Is that you?

I work with women from the depths of my intimacy, vulnerabilities, as well as with my own shadows, frailties, and flaws, hoping to extend the opportunity for you to show up just as you are. My hope is to journey with you back to your deepest truest knowing. Everything we need, we have inside our good wise bodies. It is one of the greatest joys of my life to be with you as you evolve!

“If what we have based our lives upon cannot withstand a childlike curiosity and a fierce commitment to the questions growing from the depths of our being, maybe we should let ourselves fall through those lives. Perhaps those are the moments when we allow the questions to do the sacred work of destruction.  Perhaps this is when we reach for what is calling.  Perhaps this is when we reach for what we long for, even though this reaching might destroy the old forms and create something new” Dr. Vanya Lelani

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Mary Oliver


About Encounter Your Wild

Welcome, Dear One ~

I’m so honored to meet you on this wild, mysterious journey of life. Below, you will find something about Encounter Your Wild and why it was created with you in mind— a deeply sacred space in service to your becoming. An introduction and nurturing to and for your soul-life. Encounter Your Wild was birthed out of a deep need I sensed while working with women in my private practice as a clinical relational psychotherapist. Women are longing for something more! We are longing for a deeper more authentic tending to our souls; a more profound encounter with our primal wild knowing. Women are longing for spaces we can come just as we are and wherever that is, it be ok! A space where we can admit we do not know and be met with curiosity and exploration rather than judgement and explanation.

Encounter Your Wild is an offering where you will find more questions than answers, more wondering and wandering than formulated directions. “Asking the proper question is the central action of transformation- in fairy tales, in analysis, and in individuation. The key question causes germination of consciousness. The properly shaped question always emanates from an essential curiosity about what stands behind. Questions are the keys that cause the secret doors of the psyche to swing open.”
― Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves.

Encounter Your Wild is an offering designed and committed to guiding you back to a deeply held wild knowing and understanding of your personal indigenous-soul rhythms. An offering in service to supporting you while you move through important initiations. A community where women circle, sitting sholder to sholder, embodied in diversity of cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives all while evolving into who you desire to be in this world rather than who you were conditioned to be. The Wild Woman Archetype and Nature are the essential guides of the collective wild that leads us back to our soul and body instincts.

Encounter Your Wild is dedicated to to the belief that all we need to become our truest wildest selves lies within. Wheather we are working one-on-one, in a workshop, a retreat, or circling around a new or full moon, as we align ourselves with the call of the Wild Woman within, we will get closer to becoming.

“What is the greatest lesson a woman should learn
that since day one she's already had everything she needs within herself
it's the world that convinced her she did not”
- Rupi Kaur