Encounter Your Wild One on One


Together we will listen to and tend to your soul-life. We will explore the stories, relationships, systems, and environment that taught you who and how to be in this world. We will wander through the wild forest of your soul’s deepest longings for who you desire to be now. This one-on- one. time offers you the space to ponder and deepen your understanding of what lies beneath your ways of showing up in the world, and, rather than setting goals or striving toward an arrival, we will use your intentions as a way for you to gently and tenderly evolve into what you hope for. This is an offering to slow down, listen carefully to yourself, be deeply listened to, be witnessed, and allow what shows up to belong. Whatever visits during these sessions has come for a reason and, with guidance, care, experience, deep affective attunement, and nurturing presence, I will accompany you on the journey toward your truest knowing self.

“Becoming yourself is learning how to show up in the world the way you want to show up rather than how you were taught to show up.”

- Marge Caico-Long

One-0n-One sessions may be for you if:

You are longing for more freedom

You desire a guide who can reflect back your goodness and beauty

You desire to live a more authentic soulful and creative life

You feel the call of the Wild Woman

You desire a guide with experience

You are transitioning out of an oppressive relationship or system

Sessions May Include:

Guided grounding meditation

Guided imagery and inner child work

Working through a personal story or relevant mythical story

Guidance toward personal daily rituals & practices

Embodiment practices


1 hour session-$140.00

1.5 hour session-$210.00

In-person in Birmingham, Alabama

Virtual- Worldwide